Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Infertile Bravery

As I continue NaBloPoMo, I am going to try and stay away from the scary topic of THIS CYCLE. Any thoughts I may have come across as negative and so it is best to keep those thoughts pushed deep down. However, I have a confession. I have been googling successes of natural ovulation before trigger shots. I. NEED. TO. STOP.

The question for today is "What is the bravest thing you've ever done?"

I am not a courageous person by definition. I haven't fought off a man-eating zombie. I haven't defended my dog from a bear. I am scared of scary movies. I am scared of even talking about scary movies. If Jeremy shouts or screams out of nowhere, I jump.

I am not brave.

However, many people see what we have been going through the last three years as bravery. I don't necessarily see it that way because it is something we HAVE to deal with. We don't have a choice to choose the easy path. We have to travel down the scary, wooded path of infertility. Yes, I give myself shots. Yes, I have had more blood drained than a vampire's prey. Yes, I have been "wanded" more times than many women could imagine.

Brave? I don't think so. It is out of necessity that us infertiles forge on. If we stop being "brave", our dreams can't become reality. And that is not an option.



  1. i think you are brave. i think we all are. So many women wouldn't go through half of what we have so cherish it :)

    and step away from Google.

  2. Yes, my dear, you are brave. If you weren't all of those things may have broken you completely and you would not be here to tell the tale so eloquently.

    (On the other hand, your fear of scary movies... wuss.)

    1. Yes, Stork has put it perfectly. I am honored to know the brave brave women who face this everyday and live to tell the tale.

  3. Bravery is such an interesting thing, isn't it? I would say that most bravery is found in those who are forced to walk a road they do not desire or think they can handle.


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