Showing posts with label losing weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label losing weight. Show all posts

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome, 2015!

Any time we start a new year, I think back to when I first started this blog. I started it as part of the new year of 2012. Now three years later, here we are. I have always made some attempt at making resolutions.

My 2014 resolutions were:
"1. Thank God everyday, even when it has been a bad day. Don't just ask for things when I need them. Praise Him.
2. Find a different profession. I need a teaching break and more time at home.
3. Get healthy. Lose weight. Run more.
4. Love more. Find time to spend with Jeremy sans babies.
5. Socialize more. I love Mommy time but need Friend time too!"

Hmmm...I didn't quite meet those but I am going to reuse most of these for 2015.

I am keeping #1. I feel like I slipped up quite a bit. I am ready to get my heart and mind focused on him. 

1) Thank God everyday. Don't just ask for things when I need them. Praise Him for what I have and be thankful.
I found a new job where I am happy. It is still a teaching job but much less stress and closer to home. I even picked up an extra teaching job at a university teaching a course for current teachers seeking a Master's in Literacy or undergraduate students seeking an education degree. It was fun! I am teaching 2 courses this semester. Best part is I work from home when the babies are in bed. 

Now that I am on thyroid meds and they finally have my levels where they should be, I am ready to lose weight. I got a FitBit for Christmas and start my diet TODAY! Here is to hoping I can lose 50 pounds in 2014. 

So...2) Lose weight. Get healthy.

I still need to find the balance of mommydom and the rest of the world. 

3) Find time to be a human. This includes socializing with friends, finding a somewhat lost relationship with my husband. 

I think these resolutions are doable. I can do this!

Here is our look back over the last year (thanks Flipagram):

God has lots of amazing things planned for us all! I wish you all a very happy 2015! I love fresh starts. I feel like it is clean slate to explore the world without a record, to love with no limits, to conquer (or fail) new adventures. I am excited! 


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Growing up and the Anti Belly

So...a few things:

1. I hate the idea of going back to work. I attend meetings (woo-hoo!) this week to prepare for the upcoming school year. My heart isn't into it this time. I am usually gun-ho to plan, prepare, and meet the kids. Not this time around! I left my babies in wonderful hands (my mom and dad) yesterday for 4 whole hours! I was so excited to see them after the longest time I have ever been away from them. I don't REALLY go back to work until October 1 but at this will be here before I know it.

2. My Facebook feed today was filled with pictures of kids going back to school. A close friend's twins started kindergarten today. What?! They were just baby girls, like yesterday! It really makes me realize what everyone tries to tell me..."enjoy this time because it goes fast!" No kidding! It will be a sad, sad day when Max & Harper have their backpacks over their shoulders waiting for the bus. (Ok...can't even think of it without tearing up!)

3. Our 5 year anniversary is coming up quickly too-August 30. Jeremy has surprise plans for me but I told him that I don't want to be away from the babies for too long! However, I am super excited to see what he has in store for me. He is such a great husband and daddy!!

4. I go back to the doctor for my six week postpartum check up next week. I am SO much looking forward to being cleared for exercise. Not just walking...I do that. I want to start running and really working out. I have twenty pounds left before I reach pre-pregnancy weight. I would like to have it off by Thanksgiving (or Christmas at the latest!).

Here is the progression of the "Anti-belly":

36 weeks pregnant-2 weeks postpartum-5 weeks postpartum

5. Twins are five-freakin'-weeks old tomorrow!! What? Jeremy and I have managed to keep them alive and well for 5 whole weeks!


Monday, July 29, 2013

Loving the Life of a Twin Mommy

Max and Harper are doing amazing! We went to their two week check up last Thursday. I was so nervous about them gaining weight. Max was especially fussy with gas and wasn't eating as much as his sister. I was thrilled and somewhat shocked that they both exceeded their birth weight!

Maxwell weighed 6.10 at birth, leaving the hospital was 6.5, one week check up was 6.6. At the two week check up he weighed a whopping 7 pounds, 1 ounce! I look at him now and he has changed so much. He is getting a chunky middle and has his first roll on his thighs. He really looks like a full term baby. He is still looking a lot like Daddy but we are both seeing him change a lot. He doesn't look JUST like Jeremy anymore...more of a mixture. Thank goodness! You know, I had something to do with the creation of him as well!

Harper weighed 5.9 at birth, leaving the hospital was 5.7, one week check up was 5.8. At the two week check up she weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces! Her sweet little cheekies have filled out and she has my chipmunk cheeks for sure. It is crazy but I just can't stop kissing that sweet face. She still can't fit into newborn clothes very well. They fall right off of her. Her features are so dainty and petite. She is definitely a DIVA!! She loves to keep Mommy and Daddy up from her last feeding before bed until the next feeding. It is usually from 10pm-1am. Then she is perfectly content going to bed. She doesn't just cry all the time. She wants to be held and snuggled and if we try to put her down before she is done snuggling...the diva comes out!

We are really loving being parents to these two! We can't imagine our lives without them. It is so weird how much they have changed us.
  • We forget to watch our DVR shows and we don't care.
  • We have forgotten dinner multiple times and around 10pm eat crackers for a meal.
  • We plan our weekend afternoons around the 3-4 hour span between feedings.
  • I have become a very protective Mama Bear when it comes to strangers looking at, touching, or asking about our babies. So weird, I know.
  • I carry Germ-X everywhere I go.
  • We both are consumed with spending time with them.
  •  I make up songs for each twin and sing them to them off key and don't care.
  • Showers aren't a priority.
  • Poop, pee, and boogers aren't really that gross on your hand.
  • We don't mind getting 5 hours of sleep instead of 8.
  • Make up isn't as important as it used to be.
  • Facebook? Who has the time?
  • I sometimes don't answer texts until hours later...not by choice.
I had gained 75 pounds with the 20+ pounds of fluid I gained in the last week. However, the fluid has pretty much gone down and the weight is coming off without too much effort. I have lost 50 pounds! I have 25 more pounds to go before I am back to pre-pregnancy weight. However, I will not have my pre-pregnancy body EVER again! I am okay with it. I earned these hundreds of stretchmarks and loose skin. As soon as I am cleared for exercise (probably not until after my 6 week post pardem appointment in 3 weeks!), I will start running again. I am hoping that I can lose the 25 pounds plus some fairly quickly. I just want to be back in my regular pants and shirts.

I am recovering from both deliveries well. I was cleared to drive and at my doctor's appointment, she said my C-section incision looks great. I am still sore around the incision but get around just fine. I try to take it easy when I have some soreness or pain. Dr. Driskell also felt like she needed to explain her reasoning for the emergency C-section while I was getting checked out. (Although now, it doesn't even matter to me!) She felt bad that I had to endure both deliveries but explained again how concerned she was for Harper when she went into distress. I assured her that I was happy that she was looking out for my babies' health and that's all that matters.

Here is a before picture from a few days before Max & Harper's arrival. I am wearing Jeremy's XL T-shirt from one of my races. Then there is the picture taken today at 18 days post delivery. I am wearing a size medium T-shirt from the same race. I still look pregnant but holy cow what a difference! I am afraid to go out in public without the twins because people may ask when I am due! I may start posting anti-belly pictures now. are some pictures of the babies too!!
