Showing posts with label running. Show all posts
Showing posts with label running. Show all posts

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Their First 5k

Baby A & Baby B participated in their first 5k today!! I am sure they were just rolling around, enjoying the ride in there.

I took it easy on them though. I didn't really run. My sister (also her first 5k) and I just power walked for the most part. When we saw the finish line, we jogged the rest of the way. Either to feel like we finished strong or because we wanted to pass the older gentleman in front of us. We walked the 5k in 44 or so minutes. Not bad considering my first ever 5k that I actually "tried" running was 37 minutes!!

It was a lot of fun and I am sure babies had fun too! We signed up for this race awhile back and I am just glad we were still able to do it.

My sister, Me, Babies

I am feeling much better nowadays. Morning sickness isn't every day and in fact I have had a few days now where I haven't had it at all. I am still exhausted with no energy but feeling a bit normal. I have a lot of round ligament pain on my right side. I know that is just a sign that my body is stretching even more to accommodate the little beans. I am up about 12 pounds which is right on track for being 13 weeks pregnant with twinsies.

I appreciate all of the comments on the ultrasound situation. I realize that I am just being crazy but I can't help but be overprotective over them. I love them SO much already and just want them to be healthy and growing on track. We did find a private ultrasound place that would do one if we paid out of pocket so if I get desperate enough...that is where we are headed.
