Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Rock

As a woman going through infertility, it is easy to get wrapped up into my own little world. I forget that others are hurting and suffering as well. This is especially true when it comes to my husband.

I am lucky to have been born a girl where it is socially acceptable to be emotional. I don't need the help of the hormone shots to be overly emotional because I am a sensitive person to begin with. However, men aren't raised with the same need to share feelings and just plain cry. Men are taught to be strong, supportive, and to hide their true feelings.

So when I cry and cry after each passing month without a baby, my husband is there to be strong for me. When I get angry that I am not pregnant but everyone else on the planet is expecting, my husband gives me hugs and reassurance. He doesn't cry or lose his mind like I do. Instead, he is the rock that brings me back to reality.

But he suffers too. It is easy to forget that he is also apart of this infertility struggle. I forget that his heart aches right along with mine. But looking back, I don't see an instance where I was able to be his rock. I have been taking all of this love and encouragement from him, but am I supporting him in return? Probably not.

Not too long ago, we found out that we are now officially the only married couple we hang out with that is without children or children on the way. Of course, it was tough for me even though I am so overjoyed that our friends are having babies. But what I didn't expect is how everything affects Jeremy. When talking about our situation with him, I found out that he is torn up inside just like me. I asked him why he never told me how he really felt. He responded, "I can't. I have to keep it together. I feel the same way you do but I have to be the strong one. If we were both freaking out, it would be bad. But I feel the same. I hurt too."

The men going through infertility have to suffer in silence while they take care of their other halves, just like Jeremy has been doing.

So, I am going to work on being supportive of my hubby. He feels the same feelings as I do. He hurts. He is frustrated. He is sad. Now, talking to Jeremy, you would never know. He keeps it together better than anyone. But he needs me to be his rock. This is my goal for us. We are in this together and with God's help will get through it together.



  1. hard to find words for those that struggle with that are so fortunate to become pregnated some time dont really know how precious life is...But Lisa..Regardless of how your blog and story unfolds...we stand by and I must add, thank you for adopting my little girl when she so needed you..!!! Some how, some day you will be further blessed with what will give you both peace..pray for that!! It may not be the way we have it all dreamed up in our little heads but some how, some way, something will come your way...You have such a wonderful hubby and he has such a wonderful wifey and we are so lucky to have been there for that!!! Pam Bertrand

  2. Thanks, Pam! We are in a good and positive place and I couldn't say that a year ago. We know God has a plan for us. Love you and your family!


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