Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Blogger Help

Ok. My comments that I make on other blogs are disappearing. They go to a SPAM folder. I am not SPAM. I am not that shady/sketchy (I don't think!) either.

Does anyone know how I can fix this? Why does Blogger not trust me? I have a Google account that I use to comment.

Any help/advice out there?


  1. You are Shady McSketcherstein.

    No advice except to blogger people to just check their spam folder every once in awhile. :(

  2. Thanks for this post. I just checked my spam folder (first time ever). It was full of comments I never seen.

  3. I've noticed this and I keep checking my spam comments for you. :) Have you tried emailing blogger support people? Hope you can find some help with this! It must be so frustrating!!

  4. I did not even know my spam folder existed. I have found it now and your comments are reinstated. I will endeavor to check it more often now!!


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