Wednesday, June 11, 2014

11 Month Update-One month to go

Holy cow! We have one more month before my babies are O-N-E!!

With each passing month, they just learn more and more things. We are in the stage that makes it incredibly difficult to keep them contained. We have rigged a pretty good system of blocking off our entire living room. But they somehow manage to find the smallest hole to climb through. They are SO fast! They are in the kitchen opening and closing drawers before we know it. The next thing on our list is finally baby proofing the kitchen so it isn't such a big deal that they escape there.
Our disaster of a living room trying to keep them contained
Instead of organizing the last month's events in a logical order, I am just going to do a random list of everything they have learned. My brain is disorganized and I have a total of 30 minutes before their nap is over!

  • Max is OBSESSED with cell phones, laptops, tablets, and pretty much any tech device! We gave him an old cell phone of Jeremy's but after a few days, he was over it and wanted the real thing. Jeremy found him hiding out behind the couch with my phone. He cracks me up! He has called my mom, his Nonnie, and I heard her saying Hello over and over again. He also has taken a few selfies. Love this curious little man!
What apps to buy for Mom?


  • They both love to blow kisses. It melts my heart. I dropped them off a daycare the other day and I said "Bye Bye" and blew them a kiss. They both started blowing them right back to me. Love!
  • At a recent outing to the park, Max started getting scared of the swing. He has enjoyed it before but freaked. Harper loved it though!
  • They also have started fighting over toys. It is sometimes funny but other times...good grief! I didn't know the brother/sister arguing would start so young.  Max is a biter. How do you stop this when he doesn't understand that it hurts?! He left a mark on Harper at daycare a couple weeks ago. I know this sounds awful...but at least it was his sister and not another kid. We have been trying to catch him doing it so we can enforce the no biting rule. He now tries to bite her and looks at us and stops. However, there have been other instances where he has got her! Argh!
  • They are talking more and more. Hey, Hi, Hello, Bye-Bye-, Night-Night, Bella (our dog's name), Mama, Dada, No (only Harper does this one), and lots of other babbles. 
  • They both stand for awhile without holding onto anything. Max has taken two whole steps by himself but nothing more. I really want them to walk before their first birthday so we have been practicing every night before bed!
  • They eat all table food now. And they are such good eaters. They are really bottomless pits. Their favorite foods are grilled cheese, watermelon, pancakes, grilled chicken, ravioli, and cooked carrots. They love to eat but also love to make a mess and feed Bella. 
Occasionally, we nap in the highchairs.
  • They are pretty good sleepers but always have been. They sleep about 10 hours at night. Max is still on a two nap a day schedule. Harper is down to one nap on most days. 
  • They play hard. Sometimes wrestling each other (climbing up each other and then rolling around together. Super cute!). Sometimes racing. Throwing the ball back and forth. They love being outside in the wagon or going on walks/runs in the stroller. 
  • They interact with each other all the time. Sometimes we find them holding hands as they eat in their highchairs. They are constantly laughing at each other or with each other. They team up to get into something they aren't supposed to. Usually Harper is the lookout. Ha!
  •  Our hair is growing like crazy. Max is need of a haircut. My sister will do that VERY soon. Harper has upgraded to enough hair for a ponytail!

Look, I'm a big girl!

Crazy hair, dude!
  • Their weights have kind of leveled off since last month. They weigh about the same. Max is 19 pounds and Harper is 20 pounds. 
  • A lot of their weight issues may be attributed to their bout of ear infections. It all started back on April 24. We are still on antibiotics! Seriously. We have an appointment at the children's hospital here in KC to get tubes in their ears. I hate to see them go through any type of surgery but we need this done. Poor babies have ear infections that just won't go away. Once on antibiotics, their entire digestive system is thrown off. We use probiotics but they still have diarrhea. I will be so glad when they can feel better for good!
  • Both are still in size 3 diapers. 
  • We are almost all the way into 12 month clothing now. Max can occasionally fit into 9 month. They both still wear some 6-9 month too. 
  • Harper has always been a super sweet and friendly little girl. She is still just the most loving baby. She loves everyone and melts everyone with her twinkling smile. 
  • Max is getting much more used to people. He was always reserved and shy. He is definitely coming out of his shell now. I love that he is showing his fun loving, adventurous nature to everyone now. 
  • Both of them now have 4 teeth. Harper finally caught up to Max.
  • They are in love with our dog, Bella. They scream, squeal, call her, and just can't keep their hands off of her. Bella, who normally hates that stuff, is being so good with them. 
  • Brushing their teeth has become one of their favorite activities. It is a fight to get the toothbrushes away from them. 
  • Their first birthday party is coming up on July 13. We are doing it at a local park. The theme is Very Hungry Caterpillars. I have literally done nothing besides send out the invites. I have lots to do to get ready for the big day. 

Getting hugs from Uncle Curt

Cousins meet
Cool Dude.

Fun with friends!

Monthly pictures are becoming increasingly more difficult!

Best we could do!


Saturday, June 7, 2014

No More Babies. Sadface.

This is probably it.

My time with babies this exact age.

And it makes me sad.

Each milestone is so exciting. At the same time, I know that these are our last kids. We aren't willing to go through fertility treatments again. Our finances are awful because of fertility and caring for twins. I don't even think we could afford another baby.

But it is still sad. I am mourning the loss of babies that aren't even created.Sigh.

On another is out for summer. Finally. I think my school was the only district in session this past week. I have a couple weeks off before I start summer school (Am I crazy, or what?). Then I start at my NEW district July 31. Not much of a summer break so going to make the most of my time off.

Max and Harper are 11 months old on Wednesday so will definitely post soon. Sorry for the long space between posts. My life has been crazy with the wrap up of the school year. 


Sunday, May 11, 2014


It's that time of the month that I absolutely cannot believe that they are another month older. So I will skip over that and get straight into the month update.

Each month is met with more and more unique milestones and events. Max is walking all around the house as long as he can hold onto something. He may push the activity table as if it were a walker (sometimes with his poor little sister holding on for dear life!), he uses the laundry basket, coffee table, couch, and even us. Harper is more content standing and isn't really interested in walking but she is a crawling pro. No more wounded animal for that gal! She is having no problem keeping up with her brother.

Other milestones:
  • Max picks up the phone and talks jibberish. He holds it like we do. Cutest thing. Check out the video I posted yesterday here
  • Harper can wave hello and goodbye. I posted video on same post as above. She sometimes will say "Hi, Mama" or "Hi, Dada" or something that resembles that. 
  • They are both clapping their hands. Max will say "Yay" as he does it sometimes. Harper has such an enthusiastic clap that sometimes she misses her hands but it is still downright adorable. 
  •  They are only eating purees a couple times a week when daycare's menu items are too difficult for them. But for the most part, they are just eating what we eat. It is so great! However, I absolutely HATE cleaning the highchair. It is by far the most disgusting things ever. 
  • They have a new found love for the dog's water and food dishes. So lovely for them to discover this! I haven't found them eating the food yet...I hope that never happens...but it will. And they will live.
  • They love to wrestle before bedtime. It is our new ritual after story time. I just love seeing the excitement they have playing with each other and they also love each other so much.                                          
He is about 19 pounds now. He wears some 6 month clothing (especially pants) but majority he is in 6-9 month and some 9 month. He wears size 3 diapers. He only has the same 4 teeth. He is a much better sleeper than he ever has been. He goes down quickly and sleeps even through some of Harper's middle of the night nightmares (yeah, she gets those).

She is around 20 least by our scales here at home. She wears 6-9 month and 9 month clothing. She has very chunky legs so sweet girl's thighs eat her pants! She also wears size 3 diapers. She only has 2 teeth through but judging by her fussiness lately...she must finally be breaking those top two in. At least that is what I hope!

They are growing and changing everyday. Here are some pictures of my sweet babies.

Finding his first egg!

He loved those things!

Harper getting help from Daddy

My sweet egg hunters

And egg eaters

Most of my parent's grandkids

Max wasn't super happy during this photo shoot!

They look so old here! Sigh. In their Easter outfits

Harper's Selfie

Shopping with Mommy and Daddy

What is with Harper's expression here?

Love this
Seriously messy
Love their food!
Hi, Mom!
WE love our Nonnie
We love our Grampa
Trying cheesecake with our Uncle Curt and Aunt Carrie
Aunt Carrie is a big fan of ours!
First Mother's Day pictures
Sweet boy
Beautiful girl

Harper's evil eye to having Max's naked butt in her face. Priceless!

The 10 month outtakes...

10 month pictures


Friday, May 9, 2014

To Max and Harper Love, Daddy

A LONG time ago...I wrote Max and Harper a letter from Mommy in their baby books. Here is my letter. I fill out their baby books every month. And every month, I ask Jeremy for his "From Daddy" letter. He keeps giving me the same response, "I am working on it." Well, today, I pulled out the baby books to work on tonight. I asked him the same question. But this time...HE DID IT!

Maxwell and Harper,

I know this is late, and your mother has been on me about getting this done for awhile now; but I had a plan, and it is finally time to sit down and write each of you a personal message-a message that hopefully resonates with you for a very long time.

You may not remember how things were when you were born, or anything about your initial journey through life. But there are plenty of pictures-and stories accompanying those pictures-that will help you understand exactly how you became, well, you. And more importantly, how much everyone loves you.

Your mother can attest that it was, indeed, love at first sight.

We knew we wanted to be parents, and to raise children of our own. We just hit a few hiccups along the way-hiccups that led us to you.

As you are naive to how your life is playing out right now, we, too, had no idea how our path to finally meeting you would unravel. But, as your mother would agree, we would do it over and over again knowing what we know now.

You may never understand what had to happen for your mother and I to welcome you into this world, but all the pain, agony, frustration, momentary loss of faith, financial struggles, etc., etc., are now just stepping stones-necessary moments and feelings that prepared us for the best thing that has ever happened in our lives.

The reason I waited to write this letter is because I wanted to get to know you first. I knew of you, I just didn't know you personally. Now that I do, I wanted to open my heart up a little.

Your smile is infectious. While I never know the motives behind it-whether you are just showing your pleasure for something, or trying to distract someone while doing something that you shouldn't be doing-your smile will always, in turn, make me smile back.

You are adventurous. While they may scare me at times, I want you to know that I have your back. I will let you learn the things that you think you need to learn on your own, but I will always be there to catch you if you fall.

I want to ask something of you, though. I want you to always be there for your sister, Harper, just like I promise to be there for you. She will frustrate you, bug you, and you will want nothing to do with her at times; but remember that she is your sister, and that she needs you more than either of you will ever admit.

The way you look at me melts my heart. And that little smirk you give me will always tell me that you know how much I truly love you.

I will never get tired of holding you, even if it is bedtime or the middle of the night when everyone else in the house is sleeping. My arms will always be wide open for your cuddles.

I promise to always make you laugh. Right now you seem to get a kick out of everything that I do, but that will change. My goofy antics will not be as funny as you become older, but I will adapt and try my best to continue being the funniest person that you know-just ask your mother!!!

While this is from me, I just want you both to know how much your mother and I love you. We waited what seems like an eternity for the moment you entered this world, but please know that you were worth every second of it!



Love him!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mama Got a Brand New Job!

I just realized that I have not made a single post this month. This is a stressful, busy time of the year for teachers. It is the last weeks of school so kids are crazy, teachers are frazzled, papers needing graded are piled high, state testing is grueling, and so on. I signed on to teach a couple weeks of summer school which is always "fun" (not really, but good money).

For a couple of years, I have started to lose the passion for teaching. I was losing sight of why I loved teaching. I was becoming more and more burnt out. The babies are what finally pushed me to quit my job a couple months ago. I needed to find something I loved if I was going to spend time away from them...or the plan was to spend more time at home.

My plans are not in action here. HIS are! (Why haven't I learned from before??)

A couple months ago, a great district called me to set up a screening interview. I was surprised because I hadn't applied but they got my resume at an online database. I went. Loved the principal that interviewed me. She called me the next day for a second interview. I toured the building, met staff, and loved the idea of teaching again.

Two weeks later (I got really impatient!), I GOT THE JOB! I just know this will re-energize my love for teaching again. I am so excited for the new challenges, new outlook and other perks. Like the new school is only 5 miles from home. Right now, I drive 27 one way. So...more time with babies. It also doesn't hurt that I will be getting a considerable raise in salary. Like...a lot!

It is bittersweet though. I have spent my entire teaching career at South Middle. Those people are my family. They are why I stuck around and they made me sane. I will miss them more than they know. The last day of school is approaching which makes me excited...but I also am dreading those goodbyes.

Now... some babies to hold you over until Sunday...the babies will be 10 months old!

Max takes the phone and talks. We caught him saying "Hello". Harper waves. More adorable pics and videos later.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Be a voice. Be heard.

Happy National Infertility Awareness Week!

Infertility is always a part of each victim's life.

It doesn't matter if you seem to be "on the other side" of the disease with the answered prayer baby in your arms or in your belly. It doesn't matter if you are just starting to seek out medical help. It doesn't matter if you are on your second IVF failure. It doesn't matter if you have gone through countless procedures, surgeries, miscarriages and heartbreak.

We ALL know what it feels like to want something so badly that you would do nearly anything to get it.

We put our bodies through hell for the chance of starting or completing a family. We get our hearts filled with hope at the beginning of a cycle or the beginning of the adoption have them broken into a million pieces when things go awry. Our hearts seem to magically heal in time for the next cycle...and the next...and the next. We go through this over and over again holding onto a faith and love with such persistence. We obsess over each twinge, spot of blood, cramp, and cycle day. We test...then test, and then test again. Our minds constantly guessing on what it all means and if we need to call the RE.

We carry a heavy burden.

We bear other's advice. We bear the weight of our partner's childlessness. We beat ourselves up and blame ourselves for all the failures. It is our bodies. It is our fault.

We ache for the child so badly that when we are lucky to see a positive pregnancy test...we are afraid to celebrate. After all, we know that at any given moment, our dreams could come crashing down.

We are infertile.

It is the type of disease that stays with its victims forever. Once an infertile, always an infertile. Even after it seems like we have "beat" becomes a state of mind. We will never be the same. It has altered our hearts. It has essentially robbed us from an experience that many get for free without heartache.

If you don't know about infertility, please take the time to educate yourself. Most likely a couple you know is suffering. Some in silence. We need you.
For more information, visit 


Friday, April 18, 2014

Doctor Appointment(s)

In celebration of Good Friday...we all had doctor's appointments.

The babies had their nine month appointment. No shots! Best appointment ever! We got to see Dr. Cattaneo and love him! On a side note: he had on Sock 101 socks. Jeremy's new job is the sales manager for Sock 101. So funny. So, Jeremy is trying to sell him more socks now! Ha!

Max weighed 17lb 15 oz and it put him in the 21%. He has kind of leveled off which apparently is normal since he is pulling up, crawling, and cruising...and burning calories. His height is what I was excited about! He was in the 7% at 7 months. He is now 27.5 inches. This has him in 18%. Still not raising a basketball star, but I was glad that he wasn't too shrimpy. His head circumference was 18 inches which was 68%. He is a growing boy. We are going to have watch his gagging reflex closely in the next month when we check with the doctor again. Max has struggled with the more solid, chunkier foods. He gags at Stage 3 foods that have chunks. Also he sometimes chokes on puffs, veggies, MumMums, etc. Hopefully he does better in the next month because otherwise he will have to see a OP and a possible swallow test.

Harper weighed 19lb 4oz and she is in the 67%. Our chunky girl! Her heights was 27.25 inches, just a tad shy of Max, which was 11%. She fell off the curve a bit but he is not concerned here. Her head circumference was 17.75 inches, which was 83%. We were concerned about Harper's circulation. When she stands, her feet turn red and sometimes bluish. Of course, this didn't happen at the office today. But he checked her circulation and feels comfortable saying she is perfectly fine. Her legs are super plump (and adorable) so that could be reason why...nothing to worry about though.

They are just growing like crazy. I can't believe we set up their one year appointment today. The best 9 months of my life!

On the ME front...I also had my thyroid doctor's appointment today. My bloodwork came back normal. My TSH levels are in the normal range which is showing that the Synthroid dosage is right on. He said by me not feeling any different than before the Synthroid, it tells him that I am a healthy person. So, I guess that is good. I have only lost 3 pounds since my last visit with him. He would like to see me lose 20 pounds by my next visit in August. I would like to lose more like 45 pounds but I know it is not happening in that short amount of time. He doesn't suggest me doing any supplements or medicated weight loss options. Instead, I need to limit my calories to 1000 calories or less a day. Ugh! I know it is necessary but the thought of "dieting" makes me cringe. All of a sudden, I need a cake batter Blizzard from a waffle cone.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014


If you haven't seen this video about must.


Friday, April 11, 2014

My Babies are Nine Months

Maxwell and Harper are 9 months old. I think this has been my favorite month so far! They are really becoming the funniest, little people. Real people! They are becoming so individual. One of the best part of having twins. When people have one baby, they worry about their baby meeting the developmental milestones and are constantly comparing their baby to other babies. Having two babies at the same time has really made it clear that babies are individuals. They each have their different strengths. I love seeing their different personalities.

The babies have their 9 month checkups on the 18th so I will update with their weights and heights later. Hopefully they are out of the 7th percentile for height! Ha!

Max is our whiny needy boy. Jeremy swears that I have created a monster. He just loves his mama! I have to admit that I don't hate this. I love that he wants to snuggle with me. However, the not being able to leave the room without him shouting for me is a tad inconvenient. When we go anywhere, he is a bit clingy...I think the separation anxiety is in full force.

Max is such a curious guy. He is into EVERYTHING! He easily is down the hall within a few seconds. Which means anything remotely at his level...will be investigated and destroyed. He can pull up to his feet on pretty much anything. (He has even tried the bare wall with some success.) He can get to his knees in the middle of the floor. I think he is close to at least standing on his own for a long period of time. For now, he can stand for a few seconds before he realizes and sits down.

Max has FOUR teeth. He is constantly feeling his top teeth with his tongue. He also loves to give us kisses. This is by far the BEST thing he has learned. He doesn't give open mouth, slobbery kisses. He really puckers and leans in. I have video from when he first started it but now he is a pro! Love it!

Max is a pickier eater than he used to be. He isn't a huge fan of veggies. Even his tried and true fav from "back in the day", green beans, is getting snubbed by the boy. But he loves to eat anything and everything else. If it is fruit or a dinner puree...he will "mmmmm" all throughout the meal. He is also really good at feeding himself. He loves the puffs, crackers, mangos, carrots, and bananas. We haven't incorporated too many other real foods yet. He has a bad gag reflux so I am being slower with him in starting Stage 3 foods. He is good with all Stage 3 fruits and veggies but the meals with pasta and larger chunks bugs him. He makes an awful face and pushes it out or chokes. Such a dramatic boy!

He wears size 3 diapers. Because of his short little legs, he can still wear 3-6 month pants and 6 month pants. But the majority of his clothes are 6-9 months. He can wear 9 month clothes too but they are a bit big. He is an awesome napper during the day! He takes a thirty minute to forty five minute nap in the morning and then an hour to two hour nap in the afternoon. But...night sleeping isn't his specialty. He is still a good sleeper but just not the same as his sis. He will sleep from about 7 or 8pm to 5 or 6am. But he wakes about 2-3 times at night for paci replacement or a little love pat.

Now for our sweet, happy baby girl. She is literally always happy. I am not exaggerating. This girl is always smiling even when she is so exhausted. She loves everyone and knows no stranger. She is so laid back. She just goes with the flow and is a free spirit. I love watching her explore her world. Everything is funny. She cracks up over anything.

She is also quite the explorer, like her brother. She can pull to her knees but isn't quite as brave to pull herself to her feet. She does love standing at their activity table. Her favorite toy is her baby doll. She immediately grabs it pulls it in for a hug and a kiss. The cutest thing! She likes to help her brother get into trouble. She usually plays lookout or giggles at his attempts for crazy stunts. The other day, she was racing after her brother crawling down the hall. She could hardly crawl because she was giggling all the way. I love those moments!

She still only has her two teeth. She has been licking all around her mouth lately. It has created this awful dry skin rash around her mouth. It will be better in morning and then by the end of the day the rash is back. If you have any remedies besides Vaseline...I am all ears! She also gives the best open mouthed, slobbery, nearly licking kisses! Although messy, just as sweet.

Harper loves all foods. She isn't picky. She is also really good at eating the chunkier foods. She does not gag or make strange faces. She loves feeding herself. She tries to grab the spoon to feed herself. She is also a pro at the sippy cup now and this is new. I have been trying to train them on all sippy cup types and she has finally been successful with one kind. Max is still trying.

Harper wears size 3 diapers and is mainly in 9 month clothing. She still wears quite a bit of 6-9 month clothing too. Her chunky little legs prevent her from wearing some of the 6-9 month pants though. I love those thunder thighs. She is also an amazing sleeper! She is not a big fan of napping...always afraid she will miss something. But at night...she crashes! She could probably sleep longer but we usually wake her up with Max in the morning. She doesn't need comforting at night. She also has given up the pacifier and never uses it anymore.

9 months!!!

The outtakes

Daddy loves to dress us in the morning!

Ready for school, Dad!

Celebrating St. Patty's Day

Love that table!

Our first swing at the park

Swinging at the park

It was fun!

Harper kept wanting to look at the ground. 

We got to ride in the cart for the first time!

We also got to eat in highchairs at the restaurant for the first time!

We love to read!

We are just too cute!

Harper on lookout for Max's shenangians

I love my Grampa!

More adventures

First wagon ride. I love how Max is holding on and Harper is relaxing like a lady.

Bounce house fun at our friend, Penny's 3rd birthday party.

We are beyond blessed to get the opportunity to watch these angels grow and learn. I sometimes feel unworthy of them. My heart could explode from all of the love they have brought into our lives. Gosh! I will stop gushing.

I have started to plan their first birthday party! WHAT?!!!! Yep. In three months. Crazy. Talk.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Update on Mommy and Daddy

I go back to see my thyroid doctor in a couple weeks. I wish I could give this amazing update that all symptoms have been relieved and I feel 100% again. That is not the case.

Granted, I don't feel as awful as I did before seeing Dr. Sokol back in February. I was placed on Synthroid 100mg once a day.

The one thing I was hoping this would help was my weight. I have been running or walking and watching what I am eating but still putting on weight. I have lost ONE pound! That. is. it.

I am still overly tired. My babies are not the cause of this. They sleep. I never wake up rested even after 7-8 hours.

My skin is getting better. It used to be so dry and either the medicine or the warmer weather and gallons of lotion are helping.

I am looking for a job. I should probably be panicked at this point that I haven't found anything. But I am not. Jeremy is. Ha! I put in my resignation at South Middle. I am looking for a job within education or able to use my education expertise in a non-classroom setting. I want to be able to spend more quality time with my family. I am also sick of being stressed out about work. I need a couple years to be able to be a better Mom. That is more important than being a stellar teacher at this point in my life. I am sure I will go back to teaching because I do feel like it is something I am good at. But who knows?

I have applied to a million different places. I haven't heard back from many of those. I am starting to doubt my gutsiness--(is that a word?) I know God will provide. He always does. I get paid through August. But I really would like to know what I am doing for a job after June 5.


He loves his new job. He is happier. He spends more time with us. So therefore, I love his new job. I wish I could find something that made me as happy as he is. He is good at this job too. So proud of him.

I wouldn't leave a post without the babes. Here they are in their new outfits from their Nonnie and Grampa.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Same In As Out!

I have loved seeing other creative mommies do this Same In As Out photo op. I thought...what the heck?!

So, today we celebrate 36 Weeks, 5 Days Out...the same they were In! Crazy talk! Seriously!
