Showing posts with label month by month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label month by month. Show all posts

Friday, October 11, 2013

3 Months with a Full Heart

Three months ago, Max and Harper came into our lives! How crazy is that?!

We get a lot of comments about how hard it must be...we either don't know any different or our babies are rockstars. It isn't difficult. They are the happiest and easiest babies. I know that at any milestone this could quickly change but they are amazing.

We have been battling a stint of stomach bugs between the two of them, but they are still cooing and smiling even though I know they must not feel well. What champs!

They are on a pretty consistent schedule now. Just in time for them to start daycare on Tuesday! I know we are leaving them in very capable hands but I still worry daycare will disturb our flow. Here is a good run down of their day (granted I am back to work but Jeremy has done awesome at adhering to a consistent schedule):

Go to bed between 7:30-8:00pm (This is after our bedtime routine which I have posted about before)
Wake around 4:00-5:00am
They eat and go right back to sleep.
Wake for the day around 7:30am.
They play until late morning and eat around noon.
After they eat, they have been going down for a 1-2 hour nap.
They will play a couple of hours and eat again around 4:30pm.
They will sometimes nap another 1 to 2 hours or have another play session. Then they are ready to eat and do it all again.

They are still rocking the whole sleeping in their cribs thing. We are also getting great sleep because of this. I know some babies have a hard time transitioning to the cribs but we have really just been lucky. They LOVE their cribs. I love hearing them when they wake in the middle of the night. Yes, I just said that! But they don't cry. They just squeal or yell to get our attention. When we go in the nursery, they are kicking and cooing. It is the best part of having to wake up in the middle of the night!

They have upgraded to the larger bottles. Max eats 6 ounces consistently at every feeding. We probably need to up this because he is getting to where he acts hungry still. They only have around 5 feedings in 24 hours. The doctor says to figure 2.5 ounces for every pound of baby when figuring the amount of formula in 24 hours. I think he is close to 13.5 pounds so he could easily have 6.5 ounces at each feeding. Harper hasn't been eating as well as Max. In fact, we took her to the doctor on Tuesday and she only weighed 10 pounds 15 ounces. This is only a couple ounce gain since her two month check up. We think she lost a pound during this sickness she has had. She is on the mend so she should be packing on the pounds now. She eats anywhere from 4-5 ounces. We are hoping she will start eating more when she is feeling 100% again.

They both roll all over the place now. It is almost instant to placing them down for tummy time. Max is close to rolling from tummy to back. Either way, they can maneuver themselves all over their cribs during the night. We never know where they will end up in the morning!

Going back to work has been difficult but is getting easier. I miss them terribly during the day but cherish our weekends and evenings a lot more. I still have great hopes that I won't have to teach next year and I can stay home with them. Just praying that it is possible for our finances. I hate the thought that "strangers" will be spending more time with them than I do!

Here are a few recent pictures. I also included a couple pictures from our family session nearly a month ago now. Our friend, Rachel, did an amazing job and we love them!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Two Months!!!

Max and Harper are officially TWO MONTHS old! I can't believe how fast the last two months have flown by. They will be NINE WEEKS old tomorrow.

Some of their accomplishments this month:

Harper rolled over from tummy to back at 4 weeks but Max has accomplished this as well at 8 weeks! Woo Hoo!

Smiling ALL the time. (Well not all the time but they are very happy babies!)

Control of their heads. They both enjoy tummy time and really pick up their heads and hold them steady. I am thinking we are going to bust out the Bumbo seats soon.

Grew out of newborn diapers and newborn clothes. (tear)

Sleeping through the night (What, what!!) They sleep at least 6 hours at a time now.

They both nap in their cribs now...but we are (ok, I am ) not ready to move them to their cribs at night. They still sleep in their bassinet on the side of our bed.

They pay attention a bit during our story time before bed.

Harper loves listening to music and it calms her down when she is upset. She especially loves when Pandora slips in a Spice Girls song.

They have gone everywhere we have gone. They have been out to eat multiple times, grocery shopping, clothes shopping, family get togethers, visited their Nonnie's work, farmer's market, friends' houses for get togethers, their cousin's soccer game, and unfortunately, their great-grandparents' funerals. They are great travelers and love being in the car!

I only have less than three weeks left at home with them. I am dreading October 1. I know that day is going to SUCK! However, Jeremy is going to be home with them until October 15 when they start daycare. I am fortunate that I will have had nearly 12 weeks with them.

We all get our family pictures taken this Saturday so I can't wait to share those with you all too!

Here are some pictures of my two little darlings. Enjoy!

Harper & Max love laying on their Daddy this way!

They didn't have a chance...they had to be Chiefs fans!

Max loves bath time!

Harper loves kicking the water

Dressed for the funeral


My parents with their 9 grandchildren

What up?!

Sad day to pack up newborn clothes

Hey guys!


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Best Month of My Life!

I knew love.

I love my family. I love my friends. I love my husband. I love chocolate. I love French fries. I love God above all else.

BUT...I never knew the kind of love that I have experienced in the last month.

Max and Harper have shown me a kind of love I never imagined I could experience. My heart swells each and every time I see them. I absolutely love kissing their sweet cheeks, listening to their little grunts and coos, and I love our snuggle time where they curl up on in my arms.

They have made my life complete and I love them more than I could ever express.

On another note, we had to deal with our first doctor appointment on the "sick side" last Monday. They both had colds with congestion but that was normal and just viruses. The reason we had to go to the doctor is because Harper had a rash with pustules (I know gross!) on her belly.

I am a carrier of Strep B. We found this out when I went into pre-term labor at 31 weeks. However, that hospital must have not sent over the results to the hospital I delivered at. When we showed up to deliver the twins, I told the nurse that I needed antibiotics for strep B. It took her an hour to get them to me because they didn't have that in my records. That on top of labor going extremely fast...I only had one dose of the antibiotics.

The rash on Harper's belly is caused from my strep B. They called it a strep/staph infection. It is contagious and within a few hours of leaving the doctor...Max had it on his belly too! They gave us an antibiotic ointment and it cleared up within a few days. Both are doing just fine now.

However, as a new mother, it was scary. I felt so awful and worried about them. I am glad the first illness and infection is out of the way. Maybe I will be more calm now! (I doubt it.)
