Showing posts with label growing up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label growing up. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Half a year old! What?!

Max and Harper are half a year old. It is so true when people say you blink and they are grown.

The last six months have disappeared and they are growing like weeds.

Max: He has been sick with ear infections. He was on one round of antibiotics but it didn't work and now we are on our second round. So...he has lost some weight. At the doctor yesterday, he weighed 15 pounds, 9 ounces. He wears size 3 diapers and 3-6 month or 6 month clothing. He drools like crazy. He loves his jumper. He can pull himself up to standing and loves to stand at the activity table. He laughs and giggles like crazy (see video below!) Max loves our dog, Bella. He pulls her ears and grabs her nose. He just wants her all the time. He will shout at her to come to him...she isn't so sure about it yet. He is an awesome eater of green beans and pears. He really isn't a fan of bananas. He can't sit still enough to sit up. He can for a brief time but then wants to start his backwards "crawl" to get some place with new toys and surroundings. He is seriously going to be into EVERYTHING very soon.

Harper: She has for the mean time outgrown her big brother. She has always been the little one. Not anymore! She weighed 16 pounds, 4 ounces...but that is just be weighing her at home so it may be off. She wears size 3 diapers and 3-6 month or 6 month clothing. She loves to sit up. She can actually sit up and play for quite awhile. She also backwards scoots but prefers to play on her tummy or sit up instead of moving around so much. Harper is obsessed with her feet. Seriously...the girl has never seen things so amazing in her life. She loves carrots! She will turn her nose up to pretty much anything else although green beans she seems indifferent to. She loves her brother so much! She wants to grab him, poke him, eat him, etc. I love to hear them talk to each other. It is by far the cutest thing ever.

We don't have our 6 month shot appointment until February 4. They will nearly be 7 months old but with Max's illnesses and scheduling issues...we have to wait a bit.

They seem to do something new everyday. It is amazing to watch them learn and grow. I can't believe how much they have learned.

I posted this video to my Facebook page last week. It is the cutest giggle ever, I swear. It will brighten even my darkest day.

Here are their six month pictures...we could hardly get them to stay still--let alone get a smile! We gave up.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

5 Months and Fabulous!

Max and Harper are growing way too fast for Mommy.

They are now BOTH rolling both ways and can literally roll themselves across the floor. I think child proofing is in our immediate future. Max even scoots himself to get toys.

They wear size 2 diapers (but not for long!). Max wears size 3 at night because he quickly pees through those because he flips to his tummy to sleep. Nothing we can do to stop it but doctor said to leave him because he obviously has the neck control to be okay.

They both are in 3-6 month clothing and in 6 month as well. It is sad that I have had to pack away another size of clothing (3 months).

They are still only on formula but this is the month we are going to experiment with solids. Around Christmas (because it is close to 6 months), we will try veggies.

They hold their own bottles like champs.

I feel like that Max, especially, is looking like a toddler instead of a baby. He is so long and just looks like a little man.

We are excited for visiting Santa on Saturday. I will post those pictures soon. For are their 5 month pictures.

We are getting so big and obviously too smart to only smile when Mom wasn't ready to take a picture. 

You grab my ear? I grab your stupid bow! 


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Weight gain, hernias, and shots...Oh my!

Today was a happening day for me and the babies.

Max and Harper are 10 weeks old tomorrow!! They had their two month check up which included...the dreaded shots! (More on that later)

Max weighed in at a whopping 12 pounds 2 ounces, 21 inches long. It puts him in the 52% for weight and a sad 6% for length. He is my short, fat baby. Just love that chunky monkey!

Harper weighed in at 10 pounds, 14 ounces, 21.5 inches long. It puts her in the 44% for weight and 28% for length. She is just so dainty and petite compared to my Max. She is becoming more and more beautiful everyday.

Not only are they putting on am I!!! I kind of forgot that I am no longer pregnant where I can eat ice cream and cookies and it not matter. Oops! So I have put on around 5 pounds in the last 4 weeks. Yikes. I am going to get back on track as soon as I eat the rest of the cookies that my mom brought over today (thanks, Mom!).

I also got my IUD put in today. Dr. Abney and her nurse have bets that I am back in to have it out in a couple years because they think we will want more babies! (Not if Jeremy has anything to do with it!)

They had to get FOUR shots a piece. I literally cried at the sound of their cries. They had two nurses tag team them. They leaned against their little, chubby legs while they one after one plunged those needles into their thighs. Max was smiling about 10 seconds after the traumatic event but tender-hearted Harper wanted snuggles from me and her Nonnie. (My mom was able to come and help me because I worried about how I would console them both.)

It was a great report from the doctor except for one hiccup. Dr. C noticed that Max has a possible hernia. We have noticed that his "sack" was uneven. We go in for an ultrasound tomorrow at Children's Mercy. If it is indeed a hernia (which Dr. C is pretty positive about) then Max will need surgery around the 6 month mark. This was more disturbing than the shots! I just can't imagine my baby boy having to endure surgery. So I pray that it is just fluid but glad they are catching this now in case it is a hernia. When I told Jeremy about the hernia, he was so upset and concerned. We are both worried about our little man.

I will keep you all updated on the hernia situation. I also will post some family pictures from over the weekend sometime soon too. I am so glad that otherwise we have two very happy and healthy babies. Dr. C said they are VERY much advanced in developmental milestones. They smile, coo, track with eyes, and rolling from tummy to back. I am proud of my over achievers!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Twin Update-7 weeks

My babies are 7 weeks old tomorrow! Ah! It has gone so fast but at the same time I can't remember what we did before them. How did we spend our days? What did we talk about? What did I worry about? Everything before July 11 just seems to be a blur. They have changed our lives for the better.

I had to take Max to the doctor to get acid reflux medicine. He was having projectile spit up. I mean it was awful! He also screamed and cried for the first ounce of his feedings. You could literally hear the acid in his belly when he started eating. It was such a painful was heartbreaking. He also would often gag or cough randomly throughout the day. Feeding time was such a sad time for him. Normally he smiles and is just a happy, laid back little man. However, the medicine seems to be working. They put him on Axid twice a day and so spit up. He still seems uncomfortable at feedings but not nearly as bad as before. He is 10.5 pounds!! What?! He isn't fat either. He is just solid as a rock. No many rolls on him but definitely a chunky monkey. I love his double chin and his chubby cheeks.

Both babies are in this FUN stage. They are starting to play and be alert more often.Their smiles melt my heart. With those smiles, it will be difficult not to spoil them rotten (although, I think they already are!).

They are eating a lot! The doctor said that it is fine but they are just little piggies. They eat 4-4.5 ounces every 3-4 hours. However, at night they are sleeping 5 hours in a row!!! Woo-hoo! I love that we are starting to get more sleep.

Jeremy is ready for them to move into their nursery and cribs. I am not. He hasn't brought it up in awhile which I am glad. I know that before I am back at work, we need to start making the transition. I have started putting them in their cribs for nap times.

They are both really good at getting to sleep on their own. We will lay them down awake and they will get to sleep on their own. They just need their pacifiers and they are out. Now, Harper still needs to be bounced or rocked sometimes but for the most part they can self-soothe themselves to sleep! This is awesome and hope they keep it up. It is hard for me to resist the urge to rock them all the time. However, their sleep habits will be much better if they can get themselves to sleep. (I still cuddle with them all the time though!)

Max went into size 1 diapers about 3 weeks ago. However, Harper is still in newborn sized diapers. We are on our last pack of newborn diapers. (We have not had to buy any diapers so far thanks to everyone!) Once these are gone, Harper will move to size 1 too. It couldn't come at a better time since Harper blew out her diaper today while in the car seat. I had to wash everything!!

Newborn clothes don't really fit Max anymore either. He is mainly in 0-3 months. 3 month clothing is still a little big on him...especially the pants. Little man has short legs! Harper can still wear newborn clothes but they are snug. I am going to cry the day that I pack away those adorable newborn outfits they have been wearing.

Another milestone...they moved up to the Avent size 2 nipples on their bottles. It has made feeding time go much faster. The size 2 nipples are for one month and older but we waited a bit after their one month birthday because they were doing fine with the size 1.

They are growing so fast. Harper rolled from tummy to back at 4 weeks and Max is nearly there. He can get to his side before he gives up and plops back down. Miss Harper is now working on back to tummy rolling. I swear that girl is going to be an athlete. She is so strong!

Now for the show-off pictures over the last couple of weeks:

Our church is growing! Here are 7 of the 8 babies born since May!!

My FAVORITE!! Even crying, they are so cute!
Max snuggling with Mama
My favorite place in the whole world!

Harper is out!!
Max using his pacifier as a joystick!




Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Growing up and the Anti Belly

So...a few things:

1. I hate the idea of going back to work. I attend meetings (woo-hoo!) this week to prepare for the upcoming school year. My heart isn't into it this time. I am usually gun-ho to plan, prepare, and meet the kids. Not this time around! I left my babies in wonderful hands (my mom and dad) yesterday for 4 whole hours! I was so excited to see them after the longest time I have ever been away from them. I don't REALLY go back to work until October 1 but at this will be here before I know it.

2. My Facebook feed today was filled with pictures of kids going back to school. A close friend's twins started kindergarten today. What?! They were just baby girls, like yesterday! It really makes me realize what everyone tries to tell me..."enjoy this time because it goes fast!" No kidding! It will be a sad, sad day when Max & Harper have their backpacks over their shoulders waiting for the bus. (Ok...can't even think of it without tearing up!)

3. Our 5 year anniversary is coming up quickly too-August 30. Jeremy has surprise plans for me but I told him that I don't want to be away from the babies for too long! However, I am super excited to see what he has in store for me. He is such a great husband and daddy!!

4. I go back to the doctor for my six week postpartum check up next week. I am SO much looking forward to being cleared for exercise. Not just walking...I do that. I want to start running and really working out. I have twenty pounds left before I reach pre-pregnancy weight. I would like to have it off by Thanksgiving (or Christmas at the latest!).

Here is the progression of the "Anti-belly":

36 weeks pregnant-2 weeks postpartum-5 weeks postpartum

5. Twins are five-freakin'-weeks old tomorrow!! What? Jeremy and I have managed to keep them alive and well for 5 whole weeks!
