Monday, September 30, 2013

Sad, sad day!!

This will be brief since it is my LAST DAY of maternity leave. I have snuggled Max and Harper most of the day knowing I will be in baby snuggle withdrawals the next 8 months of my life. Jeremy and I are in talks and plans to see if this will be my last year teaching for awhile. I would love to be a stay at home mama until they are in school or much older.

Tomorrow morning will be a tough one. But Jeremy is home with them (BY HIMSELF!) for the next two weeks. They start daycare October 15. We took all of their "stuff" to daycare today and met some of the teachers. It is a great place and they will be in great hands...but I am SO SAD.

Here is a bit of what I will be missing!

Max loves to talk and coo!
So serious

They love their Bumbo seats!

Sleeping in

This is a common expression from Harper when she isn't smiling!



  1. Hope your first day back goes well! So glad your husband gets time at home with them now!

  2. Aww, that would be a sad day :( I hope the day goes by fast. I will make snuggle time all the sweeter when you get home. Love the pictures!

  3. Good luck getting through that first day away from them. It's going to be tough, but look what you've got to come home to!! Just gorgeous!


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